Traveling Man Masonic Passport

The Traveling Man Masonic Passport program is open to everyone. One of the joys of being a Mason is the ability to travel, and this program encourages and recognizes those brothers who do so. The passport costs $20, although the program itself does not cost $20 to create and administer. The additional funds raised through the sale of these passports will be used to support the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory and fund their search for a cure for heart disease. The passport is available through the Grand Lodge office.

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1. Purchase your Traveling Man Masonic Passport for $20.00. Fill out your personal information on the front cover of the passport, and ask your lodge secretary to emboss your lodge’s seal in the “Mother Lodge” quadrant of the first page of your passport.

2. Inform your District Deputy that you are participating in the program.

3. Start visiting lodges at a tiled communication. Whenever you visit a new lodge, ask the Worshipful Master and the Secretary to sign your passport. The secretary should emboss a quadrant in your passport with the lodge seal.
*Please note that multiple visits to the same lodge do not count as new visits in your passport. No matter how many times you visit a lodge, the seal should only get embossed once.

4. After you have visited three lodges, after your Mother Lodge, inform your District Deputy. He will present you with your first certificate, which you should affix to the back of the second page of your passport.

5. After you have visited an additional two lodges (five total) inform your District Deputy. He will present you with your second certificate, which you should affix to the back of the third page of your passport.

6. After you have visited an additional two lodges (seven total) inform your District Deputy. He will present you with your third certificate, which you should affix to the back of the fourth page of your passport.

7. After you have visited an additional two lodges (nine total) inform your District Deputy. He will submit your name to Grand Lodge who will provide him your Traveling Man lapel pin. Your District Deputy will, in turn, present the pin to you.

8. Continue to visit and fill the rest of your pages with stamps.

9. After completing your first passport why not start another!