Pierpont Edwards was the youngest son of Reverend Jonathan Edwards and Sarah Pierpont, daughter of James Pierpont, a founder of Yale College. He was born in Northhampton, Massachusetts on April 8, 1750. His father, the last of the great New England Calvinists, was then about to become acting missionary to the Housatonic Indians at Stockbridge, Massachusetts. In 1757, Reverend Edwards was called to become President of Princeton College in New Jersey. Thus, Pierpont Edwards graduated from Princeton in 1768, moving to New Haven where he began to practice law in 1771.pierpont2
In December 1775, Pierpont Edwards received Masonic light in Hiram Lodge No. 1. He served as Worshipful Master of the lodge in 1777 and 1778, during a part of which period he also served in the American Revolutionary Army. After the treason of Benedict Arnold, Pierpont Edwards represented the colony of Connecticut in the Continental Congress, and in 1778 in Connecticut he was in the forefront of the action to ratify the Constitution.
Pierpont Edwards was named Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut on July 8, 1789, after serving in the effort of creating the Grand Lodge. His signature appears on the Charter of Moriah Lodge No. 15, Temple Lodge No. 16, Federal Lodge No. 17, Hiram Lodge No. 18, Washington Lodge No. 19, and on the new charters issued to King Solomon’s Lodge No. 7 and St. Paul’s Lodge No. 11.
In politics, Pierpont Edwards was the founder of Connecticut’s Toleration Party, and played a leading part in the adoption of the Connecticut Constitution of 1818, a masterpiece of democracy, which served this state until 1965.
Pierpont Edwards died in Bridgeport, Connecticut on April 6, 1826, where he served as a judge of the United States District Court.
The Pierpont Edwards Medal was first conferred upon ten outstanding Masons at the Special Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge in New Haven, Connecticut on October 14, 1939, the culmination of the 150th anniversary observance of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Connecticut.
The Award
When writing to recommend a brother for this prestigious award, the following information should be provided to give proper consideration to the nomination: when the brother was born; where; the names of his parents, brothers and sisters; his education; military service; place or places of employment; retirement; his wife’s name; wedding date; children’s names from the marriage; his church and community involvement and civic organizations such as Scouting, Little League, etc. Provide detailed information about his Masonic history, both Blue Lodge and appendant bodies. Last, identify anything unique or outstanding in the brother’s life which should be noted in the nomination.
All these factors will contribute heavily to the consideration of the awards committee. All nominations must be sent to the Committee on Medals and Awards in care of the Grand Secretary at the Grand Lodge Office by the 15th of January each year.