Rules and Regulations

The Grand Lodge of Connecticut rules and regulations are separated into three distinct sections.  

The first section contains the Constitution, Masonic law, practice, rules, and regulations, together with the “statement of principles” and the “ancient charges”.  This section is given to each new Master Mason after being raised.

The second section, the Foundation of Masonic Jurisprudence. The foundation of Masonic Jurisprudence is the common law of Freemasonry, which is to be learned from the ancient usages of the Craft as developed and interpreted from the first formation of the fraternity. Lockwood’s Masonic Law and Practice reveals the historical foundation of Connecticut Masonic Jurisprudence.

The third, Nickerson’s Digest provides guidance as to the particular precedents applicable in this Grand Jurisdiction.

The primary purpose of Masonic discipline is to preserve the good repute and integrity of the Masonic institution by the prosecution and punishment of a particular Lodge whose acts or neglects tend to injure the Craft as a whole, or of an individual whose acts or neglects tend to injure a particular Lodge or the craft as a whole or which have inflicted injury upon a Brother Mason.

Separate Printing of Rules of Masonic Jurisprudence. The complete Rules and Regulations regarding Masonic Jurisprudence are printed in a separate manual entitled “Connecticut Masonic Law and Practice, With Forms”.

Here are all three sections available as a single PDF file.

Grand Lodge Rules, Regulations, Jurisprudence and Nickerson’s Digest – Revision 5 – April 2018